The Packet Hacking Village at DEF CON 29 will be both in-person and virtual. Our village hours: Friday, August 6th: Virtual-only: 09:00 – 13:00 Physical-only: 14:00 – 18:00 Saturday, August 7th: Virtual-only: 09:00 – 13:00 Physical-only: 14:00...


Episode 26 listen now This month we have a chat with Riverside and Cedoxx from the Wall Of Sheep who do DefCON and Blackhat. M.I.A. Chris John...


The Packet Hacking Village will be located in the Neopolitan Ballroom and Milano VIII at Caesars Palace. Talks Schedule Workshops Schedule DJ Schedule Talks Schedule Friday, August 10th Saturday, August 11th Sunday, August 12th 10:00 Mallet: A Proxy for Arbitrary...

Call for Workshops at Packet Hacking Village at DEF CON 26

Overview The Wall of Sheep would like to announce a call for Workshops at DEF CON 26 at the Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, NV from Thursday, August 9th to Sunday, August 12th. The Packet Hacking Village Workshop’s goal is to deliver hands-on training sessions that...

Call for Presentations at DEF CON 26

Overview The Wall of Sheep would like to announce a call for presentations at DEF CON 26 at the Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, NV from Thursday, August 9th to Sunday, August 12th. Speaker Workshops has been renamed Packet Hacking Village Talks as we now offer hands-on...

Call for Workshops at Packet Hacking Village at DEF CON 27

Overview The Wall of Sheep would like to announce a call for Workshops at DEF CON 27 in Las Vegas, NV from Thursday, August 8th to Sunday, August 11th. The Packet Hacking Village Workshop’s goal is to deliver hands-on training sessions that increase security...

Call for Presentations at DEF CON 27

Overview The Wall of Sheep would like to announce a call for presentations at DEF CON 27 in Las Vegas, NV from Thursday, August 8th to Sunday, August 11th. Packet Hacking Village Talks goal is to deliver talks that increase security awareness and provide skills that...


2019 Call for Presentations at Packet Hacking Village Talks at DEF CON 27 Call for Workshops at Packet Hacking Village Talks at DEF CON 27 2018 Call for Presentations for Packet Hacking Village Talks at DEF CON 26 Call for Hands-On Workshops for Packet Hacking Village...


Is ApplePay vulnerable to an iHack? – September 9th 2014 By Priya Anand Criminals could also taint NFC tags, which are basically smart barcodes that can transfer information to another device, similar to QR codes. Users who scan them could be...

Wall of Lambs

In an effort to extend our security awareness message to children and parents, we created the “Wall of Lambs”. The goal of this project is to teach children and parents alike to understand what basic insecure network traffic looks like to help them...